About us

Elite Optic-Trade has become one of the most reputable brokers in the industry, offering traders CFDs across Forex, Equities, Commodities, and Futures. Trading on the Forex market is a legitimate and straightforward way of generating income. The good news is that you don’t have to be a professional trader to make money. All you need is the right personality and the right skill set and you can make money trading on foreign exchanges. Elite Optic-Trade lets you trade in the way that best suits you. Do you want to risk a little or a lot? Do you want gains in the short term or are you playing a longer game? Are you a day trader, a swing trader, or a scalper? Are you an old hand or a rookie just testing the water? It does not matter because Apex Optic-Trade puts you in control. If you can control today’s success and not let it cloud tomorrow’s judgment, you probably have it in you to make money as a currency trader. The prizes in Forex are certainly glittering but it is level-headedness and persistence that win the day. With the right tools, information, and access to all the world’s currencies, Elite Optic-Trade puts you in control of the trades you make.

Consistently profitable, Elite Optic-Trade can implement strategic investments for the benefit of our investors. We pride ourselves on the long-term relationships we build with preferred developers, to whom we offer strong financial commitment and overseas marketing support in return for priority access to the best global property investment opportunities for our clients. These opportunities are then put through a rigorous process of due diligence before being selected for presentation to investors and distributors. We provide comprehensive support throughout every stage of the investment process including, if required.

Elite Optic-Trade Enterprise Limited’s official website is protected by 2048-bit encryption by trusted company comodo securities. Ev SSL is represented by the color green which symbolizes the trusted and secured network for members of the website. Every webpage of Elite Optic-Trade is secured and has faithful encryption hence all member’s data are secured and safe also all deposits and withdrawals from and to the website are safe and ensured. Elite Optic-Trade is highly secured by DDOs protection of Genius Guard, which ensure that every data of the website will be secured at a very high level at anytime at any place Elite Optic-Trade

Our Key Features

Elite Optic-Trade is a fully functional spot investment trading platform for popular cryptocurrencies and digital assets, such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Ripple, NEO, and many others. We enable consumers to safely benefit from up to 3.5% of their money each day thanks to our team of knowledgeable traders. We also offer a variety of order forms to enable investors to profit from any circumstance.


We’ve got a wide pool of trusted investors that continually takes advantage of our platform to leverage their trading, and investment plans


We have lots of expert traders that are committed to being on top of the cryptocurrency trades.


We leverage the best and stable signals in the market for guaranteed and maximum profits! Get on board and be on your way to financial freedom.


We have lots of expert traders that are committed to being on top of the cryptocurrency trades.


Elite Optic-Trade facilitates a graphical trading experience with advanced charting functionality that allows our client to visualize their investment profits in real-time…


The security of funds and client information is our top priority. Our security team is continually monitoring and improving our security measures.

Our Development

We are a certified Brand with the desire to advance consistently, which is the key to our success. We continuously grow by reflecting on our accomplishments and taking the next step in our development.